Category: Uncategorized
Reversing Time in a Singularity
First of all we know that singularities are kind of a misnomer, as really a singularity could be a rotating contendensed state of the universe and not an actual single point. Either way the problem is that a singularity implies a single spot in space which is not correct. What a singularity actually is, is…
Universal Consciouness Constant
We all have different lives but for each individual our experience is normalized. That we all experience our different conudiouness as normal is the universal Consciouness constant. This constant is aplicable to everything big and small, and most importantly is irrespective of perception. Just cause we don’t percibe something ourselves does not mean it doesn’t…
Begin calculating relative Temporal conscious frequencies
The calculation of temporal conscious experience for a Cell in relation to a Human would be similar in speed differential of the solar system to the galaxy or the speed differential of the solar system to a atom electron orbit.
New Higgs and Inflation questions
Seems to be more information that is contentious about the early universe inflation period. In this article they talk about how the Higgs boson field can change states and change the laws of physics. This implies two very important things. One is that the inflationary period is not correct and something is missing, hence…
Gravetron Question
How can gravity be gravitons exchanging virtual particles with baryonic matter if spacetime ie gravity is just the warping of spacetime 😩😩😩😩😩😩 how can gravity get its energy from its own potential energy 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 I’ll see what I can find out. It certainly is clear that current understanding of the universe doesn’t know the exact…
Beginning to understand the Conciseness constant
Conciousness constant Relivily Conciouness and speed of cellular activity within our own bodies happens at the same experiencisl speed that we experience. Physical objective Relitivity tells us that the experience of our cells because their scale is microscopically smaller their Spacetime operates much faster but that is only in our perspective. Their experiencisl view would…
Starting to Understand the Perception of Objective Relativity
Objective Relativity evolves the understanding of perceived spacetime to the point that our perception is all experience. Our physical bodies are a collection of world lines in forward moving quantum innterspacetime, tied together in finite continuity. Nothing more, nothing less. Our experiences are infinite universal consciousness.